What Is Returning Resident Visa?
The re-entry permit is valid for 2 years and is given to lawful
permanent residents or Green Card holders to come back to US after a
specific period. But when they are going to going to be back within 12
months or till the re-entry permit is valid, it works. But in case,
the re-entry permit lapses, as a green card holder, you will need to
apply for the returning resident visa if you want to continue staying
in US on a long term basis.The SB-1 visa or the returning resident
visa is considered for only those who have a green card when they left
US and now need the visa to be able to stay on in US as the green card
maybe invalid due to an overseas stay that has been more than 12
months. You can apply for the returning resident visa at the closest
US Consulate but have to prove that the permit lapsed due to
circumstances beyond your control, you could not return earlier. And
if you are eligible for the resident visa, there are no further
clearances that you will need by the U...